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Stabilizia Method

Our method is unique in the world. Effective. Intelligent. And respectful with the environment.

Our experience has led us to design a unique method. An effective, intelligent method. That guarantees optimal results. And all with absolute respect for the environment.

The pillars of the Method


Specific study and formulation for each soil: Before starting any project, we carry out an exhaustive study and laboratory tests to understand the properties of each soil and formulate a tailor-made solution to stabilize it.


Experienced and knowledgeable team of professionals in the Stabilizia system: We have a highly trained team with experience in applying the Stabilizia method.


Custom project design, definition of processes and quality standards: We design the custom project and define the processes and quality standards to ensure that all the client's requirements are met.


Diseño del proyecto a medida, definición de procesos y estándares de calidad: Diseñamos el proyecto a medida y definimos los procesos y estándares de calidad para garantizar que se cumplen todos los requisitos del cliente.


Diseño del proyecto a medida, definición de procesos y estándares de calidad: Diseñamos el proyecto a medida y definimos los procesos y estándares de calidad para garantizar que se cumplen todos los requisitos del cliente.

The result: we obtain soils that are compacted evenly throughout their entire length . Soils that offer great resistance to any adverse weather conditions, whether torrential rain or extreme temperatures. Soils that are also resistant to time and can last for many years.

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